Luv the One You’re With
Depending upon your age, you may or may not understand the reference in our title today. In short manner of explanation, let’s just say that I spent a signification portion of my youth espousing the theory that “The only thing worse than Crosby, Stills, and Nash is Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.”
I admit it: I was a bad hippie. That said, I like flowers and prefer being barefoot to wearing any type of shoe, so maybe mom and dad wouldn’t be too disappointed.
More to the point today comes Jennifer Luv who had the distinct benefit of bringing to mind an excellent song by Stephen Stills — a fine artist when on his own. Also, Jennifer Luv in no way whatsoever could remind anyone of Crosby, Nash, or Young. So that’s a plus. As for the “love” elements, we will leave the philosophical ruminations for you to pursue on your own. Barrett may not have technically “loved” Jennifer by some conventional definitions of the term, but he certainly felt a profound fondness for the interlude, you know, otherwise we could tell.
Come to think of it, if adult movies had an anthem, it could well be, Love the One You’re With. Hmm. Do you think Mr. Stills would be proud? He was a good hippie, after all.
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