Flower Power
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Ever meet one of those women that you just know might be trouble, but you just can’t quite muster up the interest to care? Meet Georgia Jones, and you will tell yourself, “I can handle this. No problem.” And you will continue this mantra when you wake up in the hospital. You will assure your friends that have not completely lost your mind over one of the most charming and deceptively alluring women you will ever meet. You will have it all completely under control.
Until you do not.
Seriously that may all sound crazy right up until the moment that Georgia Jones walks into your conversation. At that point, you will simply start praying — or wishing upon a star, whatever — that she’ll just give you the chance to crash and burn. She has that effect on people.
Think of it like riding a bull. Jump on. Hold as tight as you can, and try not to break anything when you get thrown off. Let’s be honest: Some women are just worth the risk.
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