Rhyme with a Reason
Think about being a movie director.
The “size” — or most of the time even the “type” — of project doesn’t really matter. Good directors always try to do the best job they can with whatever “assets” they have at their disposal. Directors also generally like to work with new talented actors and actresses. True, all will have favorites that they know will deliver a strong performance, but the opportunity to probe the depths — in our case, certainly, as it were — of new people on camera floats that directorial boat, so to speak.
Now think about being an adult movie director. Not only do you get to do all the regular director things, you also get to pick what new people you get to see naked. Bonus.
Over at Risqué we have talked recently about the uniqueness of women that only work with other women on camera. From a director’s point of view, however, think about these special ladies — you know, like Charlie Laine and Karlie Montana — in practical terms. If you want to direct one of the women in this category (and see them naked, of course), you need to put them in a lesbian scene. And if you do an entire movie without the bothersome adult male psyche to deal with the entire time, so much the better. You have a lot of lesbian scenes to fill. Get yourself a couple of apple fritters, and you’ve got an excellent day in the works.
So if you have ever wondered why you tend to see the same actresses in the all-woman scenes, you can now see that in this case, the director of an entire movie gets to pick some of the requisite new naked people as well as some of their favorites. If you have to do a female/male scene, you hire women that agree to such terms, but when you can hire the ones with more limitations, you tend to. Variety. Spice of life. All that. …
By the way, if you ever want to be able to distinguish a “good director” from an average one, just ask a simple question: “What’s your favorite project so far?”
The answer will always be whatever project they’re currently working on. … For too short a while in our little world, that project would include Charlie Laine whenever possible.
Sadly, Charlie Laine has even dropped off the Twitter world, but you can still find Karlie roaming about, mostly retweeting, but still … @Karliemontana
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