Party Favors
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You can never be exactly sure what combination of “ingredients” will serve to set up a great party, but starting with Aiden Starr and two lovely friends certainly can’t hurt.
Now despite all the expert advice to folks, most parties will also include alcohol, and — at least still in the movie industry — drinking will fairly quickly lead to smoking. Not all gatherings include Aiden, Shawna, and Lindsey, however, so it could be possible that the next party favors coming out do not happen to be a double-headed dong, a strap-on, and a 110v “massager” with apparent super-powers. This naturally leads to an entirely different kind of smoking, one of which even the surgeon general would heartily approve.
To be fair, we should admit that between all of us we have been to literally hundreds of industry parties, and they do not usually evolve into lesbian orgies. That said, since you will find sex with other women in the top three on the list of almost any star’s reasons for getting into the business in the first place, at least a little lustful lip-locking tends to appear most of the time. You also will not find real alcohol on most adult sets, because self-regulation does not happen to be a strong suit with most performers. That said, given the right controlled environment, and a decidedly pleasant absence of boys, you can witness a lot of vulva conviviality.
We cannot actually swear to it, but odds seem good she picked the name Aiden Starr for a reason. It does mean “little fire” after all.
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